And we’re back! How was your weekend? Mine was great! I’l tell you a little more about it in a minute, but first.. I think this quote speaks to a lot of different situations. I personally chose this quote today because it reminds us to take care of ourselves. There are so many people in this world, why surround yourself with negative, miserable people. It’s 100% ok to cut those people out of your life. It’s ok to buy yourself a gift. It’s ok to be unforgiving for a little while if someone has hurt you. Just make sure you…
Good morning and Happy Friday! I know I always say “Happy Friday”, but if we can start on a high note, I always like too! Oh, and guess who just became a Mon-Fri part of the workforce, this girl! Sorry, maybe I’m sharing too much today, I’ll start the fashion talk now.. So, the White Blazer.. probably the most loved and also one of the most anxiety ridden pieces of clothing (second to white denim). Anxiety ridden, at least for me, because, SO MUCH WHITE. It’s like a stain waiting to happen. I swear rain water can stain white on…
In a fashion world where the limits no longer exist, how in the world do you only wear silver jewelry?! With yellow gold, rose gold, all kinds of semi precious stones, why just stick to plain silver? Anyway that’s just my (what may seem obnoxious) opinion and I won’t just throw a question/statement like that out there without offering you some help! Today I’m going to break the mold and offer up some ideas on how to break your silver habit! And if you’re like me and you already love mixing and matching, I’m also going to show some really…
It’s that day again, the beginning of the week! Well, really the second day of the week, because the week really starts on Sunday, but you know what I mean. Anyway, I chose this quote today because sometimes you can do all the right things and still not get what you’re striving for. Whether it be with a job, in a relationship, a friendship, maybe you’re looking for a new home, you can be doing all the right things and still missing the bar. As much as it stinks to watch these things pass you by, always remember it’s truly…
Hi Everyone! I had a wonderful post set up for today, but it got deleted when all of my pictures for Wednesday also got deleted. So, in lieu of that post, and since I’m traveling, I’d thought I should share what to wear to the airport! Take a look.. Blazer: AQUA, similar | Shirt: Torn by Ronny Kobo, similar, similar | Leggings: Zara, similar | Shoes: Sam Edelman This definitely isn’t the most fashionable outfit I’ve even worn, but it was comfortable. My Aqua blazer is probably the most comfortable blazer I own and I think it dressed up…
Hello everyone! Good morning! So excitingly enough today I took pictures three times before I could actually get them on my computer. Infuriated? Yes, yes I was. Even better, was that my camera deleted the pictures from the actual camera memory every time I plugged it into the computer. Finally, I just took the pictures with my old reliable iPhone. My camera is SO lucky that I’m a grown adult now and no longer smash inanimate objects into little pieces when they don’t cooperate. HA (just kidding about that last smashing part) ANYWAYS… Today with a lot of LOVE I…