
Motivation Monday!

And we’re back! How was your weekend? Mine was great! I’l tell you a little more about it in a minute, but first..


I think this quote speaks to a lot of different situations. I personally chose this quote today because it reminds us to take care of ourselves. There are so many people in this world, why surround yourself with negative, miserable people. It’s 100% ok to cut those people out of your life. It’s ok to buy yourself a gift. It’s ok to be unforgiving for a little while if someone has hurt you. Just make sure you let the bad go and replace it with the good, in all aspects of your life. Make the best of every day, and what a perfect place to start, Monday!!


Limerock Drivers Club

Back to my weekend. You know, looking through my pictures, I realize I dealt with a lot of nature this weekend.. I love being outside. I feel like during the Summer I have to be outside as often as possible, so I can enjoy every second of it. Excitingly, this weekend I got to eat one of the first blueberries and raspberries of the season from my cousin’s backyard!..

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Also, while I was up at Limerock, we stopped by a swamp for my five year old cousin. Lets just say bugs, lots of bugs. But of course being the absolutely normal person that I am, I had my off clip-on bug repellent. For someone who ALWAYS gets bug bites, this personally works wonders for me.


Finally, to round up the weekend, my boyfriend and I went out to dinner.


Half Moon on the Hudson

Heres a picture of the blouse I wore with my bracelets..


SimoneJ jewelry | David Yurman | Hermes

I think I did a good job matching up the colors. (again, completely normal, HA) Well, that was basically my weekend. I hope you enjoyed reading! Have a wonderful week and make sure you take care of yourself!


