
Motivation Monday

Happy Monday everyone! Today I want to challenge you to be thankful for what you have. It’s so easy to look at the things and experiences that other people have and compare them to yours. Everyone’s journey is so different. It’s also easy in the age of social media to assume everyone is so happy and has a better life than you. I’m guilty of doing this myself, every so often. I always try to remind myself of everything I’ve been given and everything I’ve worked for. After that I also remind myself that there are some people worse off…

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Motivation Monday

This is definitely something I live by. There’s nothing I hate more than someone spewing bullshit to me, that they’re sorry or that they didn’t mean what they said or did, and then, THEN, ten minutes later they’re doing the same thing they just apologized for. I mean, WHAT?! I’m not sure why people do this, but it’s literally the easiest way for me to cut you off. Always watch what people do. I love being observant. If a man or woman, constantly tells you how much you mean to them, how much they love you, how they would give…

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Motivation Monday!

I am the QUEEN of biting off more than I can chew. For as long as I can remember I’ve always been doing what others would call too much. Whether it was sports (aka cheerleading and gymnastics, did you think I actually did common sports? haha never – nothing else came as easy), after school activities, clubs, job(s), making time for my friends and family, working out, volunteering; I always did as much as I possibly could. I still do this today. Granted, I didn’t do all these things consecutively everyday, but spaced out over a lifetime it’s definitely a…

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Motivation Monday

It’s so hard living in a world where people are so rude, nasty and miserable. We all have our days, but it seems they come more often now than in the past. Or maybe I just see it more now as I get older. I’m always so surprised when I go for a run or walk and some stranger says hi to me. Maybe it’s because I live in NY or that I’m genuinely surprised that someone would actually want to say hello. I always put in a solid effort these days to make others feel good. Wether it’s just…

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Motivation Monday!

I almost never sleep in these days. I always feel like I should be doing something. Whether it’s for my blog, for work, making time for my friends and family, for my health or simply running errands, there’s always something to do. Anytime I feel myself saying I’m so tired, or I don’t feel like doing something, I think about all I have to accomplish. You should always work on making yourself better and chasing your dreams. Set goals and stick to them. Literally or figuratively sleeping-in or waiting to chase your dreams, almost always defeats the purpose. You may…

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Motivation Monday!

Your circle of friends is very important. Who you keep around you, can really depict your own mood and attitude. When you’re with that annoying dramatic friend, all the time, you can’t possibly be in a good mood. Keep happy, positive, motivated people in your most inner circle. The more good you surround yourself with the more positive your life will be. Just because you’ve had a friend since you were in 1st grade or 5 years old, doesn’t make them a good person to have constantly in your life. It’s ok to keep these people at arms length, and…

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