
Motivation Monday!

I think everyone fights this fight at some point in their life. Do you take the leap and follow your dreams or do you keep doing what’s in your comfort zone? Although change is uncomfortable, I think the best way to initiate change is exactly as this quote states, “tip toe.” If you’re dyeing your hair, you don’t go from black to blonde in one appointment at the salon, you do it slowly over time. (Unless you live on the edge and have the balls to dye your hair all at once and have no worries of it all falling…

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Motivation Monday!

I hate the stairmaster at the gym just a little less than I dislike the stairmaster that is life. I’ve been working since I’m 14 years old and it’s not until recent that I actually have a general idea of what I want to do. Starting back at the bottom isn’t fun especially after years of two jobs, school and no or very few days off/vacations. I constantly remind myself when I get discouraged that I’m always much happier being busy than not. I love trying my best and working towards a goal, it’s not easy but definitely rewarding. The…

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Motivation Monday!

As the holiday’s come and go, so does New Years and New Years resolutions. Now is a perfect time to follow your dreams. I can remember days in High School where I thought College would never come, and moments in College where I thought the work and tests would never end, yet it all does. Sometimes the future seems so far away, but you have to remember that each day you’re creating your future. One of my personal future goals is to wake up everyday doing what I love to do. I put a lot of time and every into…

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Motivation Monday!

I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand people who always have to be right. I get it, I don’t enjoy being wrong either but come on, you can’t be right all the time. I think it’s our tendency, and human nature, to want to be right. We want to say the right thing, do the right thing, be the right person and know all the answers (unless your a serial killer – kidding, kind of). The reality of that is, you just can’t know everything, you can’t always do the right thing and people will respect your for…

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Motivation Monday!

  Although I’m one to sometimes want everything given to me, I happy that it’s not so. It’s so easy to have everything handed to you, everything paid for. Last week I talked about building character. Working hard for everything builds character, struggling and earning things on your own, builds character. So why in the world would I want everything to be easy? To be given everything? The truth is, I don’t want that and you shouldn’t either. Am I still going to complain about it? Of course I am. Complain, whine, breakdown and then let it go. No one is going…

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Motivation Monday!

The best thing you can do for yourself is push yourself. Physically, mentally, creatively, socially, push yourself to do anything that you don’t think you can do. Character is built when you’re working your hardest, not when you’re giving up or taking the easy way out. And if those reasons aren’t enough, trust me when I tell you that pushing yourself, and accomplishing something new is one of the best feelings. This blog for me is something that I push myself to do. I’m always making time, giving up my time, scheduling, prioritizing, organizing ect. pushing myself to do my best…

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