
Motivation Monday

Oh how Monday always rolls around again and again. As you read this, I’m sure you’re tired, maybe you’re having your coffee or haven’t even gotten out of bed yet, but with your cranky pants in all – you’re all missing something. What you’re fighting through right now is the obstacle in the way of your success. The tiredness, the wish to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, the dread of dragging your ass to work – that’s all that stands in between you and your next big opportunity. When you put it into perspective, and look to the bigger…

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Motivation Monday!

The worst thing you can ever do is compare yourself to someone else. Your day one can be someone else’s day 100, we’re all at difference places. We all want to know where we stand, know where we fit in, but the fact of the matter is that even if you had a definite answer, you wouldn’t be happy with it any way. So it best to break the habit and stop comparing yourself to others. Every time you think someone else is skinnier, fitter, getting better grades than you, making more money than you, being promoted faster than you,…

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Motivation Monday!

So if you haven’t guessed or observed, I can be overly dramatic sometimes. Just last week I was ready to have a mental breakdown, while complaining to my mother via text, about working. I have a full time job, a part time job and my blog. And I quote myself “I would rather work six days a week because then I don’t get to remember what it’s like to be happy and enjoy myself.” Now I can say this to myself, shut the F up Simone, YOU’RE NUTS. I’m also laughing as I write this. Sometimes I just can’t even…

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Motivation Monday!

We’re all always trying to do more, and be better, make more money, be more social, ect. The list can go on and on. So, today post is about stoping at smelling the roses. It’s great that you want to keep going and bettering yourself, but sometimes we’re so focused on the future that we forget to be thankful for what we have at this very moment. Enjoy the things and people you have in your life at this very moment. The more you appreciate what you already have, the easier it will be to work for more. This Monday…

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Motivation Monday!

I’m a firm believer that failing and messing something up is the BEST learning experience you can have. And it’s not limited to work and school, it could be not going to the gym for a while, to forgetting to do something for a good friend. Anytime you make a mistake you are empowered to store that experience in the back of your head and move forward and make better decisions. You can’t appreciate sunshine without (a bitterly disgusting New York cold winter that just doesn’t want to leave) rain. This week I challenge you to embrace your mistakes and…

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Motivation Monday!

Inhale good shit, exhale bullshit! It’s Monday people – the best day of the week! Today is the day you stop telling yourself you can’t, or you’re too tired or it will take to long. Monday’s are the perfect day to work on achieving your goals. Think about the things you promised yourself you would do come the New Year, what have you done, what can you do more of? I mean let’s be real, I know some up you made some ridiculous gym goals along with me! The important thing to remember is you’re the only one standing in…

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