
Get Organized – Top Tips from my Time Working with a Professional Organizer

kayu-moon river-blogger-simply-by-simone

beach-style-outfit-gucci belt

I am the queen of biting off more than I can chew then eating it all up. You can do it all, you just have to get organized! While I was in college working at Bloomingdale’s I picked up a second job as an office manager and assistant to a professional organizer. I had always thought of myself as someone who was relatively organized but boy did I learn a lot! So today I’m going to be sharing this with you!

Going forward instead of only sharing styling tips and tricks I’m also going to share useful everyday information that I’ve learned from my experiences. Let me know how you like this by email (simone@simplybysimone.com), comment below or message me on and social platform!

How to get organized:

Put it all out in the open. Whether you’re organizing clothing, papers or your kitchen cabinet the first step is to see what you have. Start by putting everything out on a table or in the middle of your room in a clean space.

Next, remove the outliers. Aka the really weird stuff that just doesn’t match up with the group. It can be the toothbrush in the gym bag that you haven’t used in ages or the toothpicks in your snack cabinet. If it doesn’t make sense it doesn’t belong there.

Then we purge. This is the most beautiful time when you get to let things go. Old yellow t-shirts, expired food, receipts for gum from twelve years ago. BYE.

After the purge, you are going to categorize. Write down your categories on paper or in your cell phone notes, whatever floats your boat. You have to commit to these categories so be sure of them. Here’s an example if you’re organizing your clothing:

– Tops:

– Long Sleeve, Short Sleeve, Blouses, Sweaters


– Going out, Casual, Gym, Gardening/tops for messy stuff

–  Bottoms:

–  Jeans, Pants/Trousers, Skirts, Shorts


– Work pants, workout leggings, everyday leggings, ripped jeans/going out pants, shorts, and skirts.

So I’m not going to break down all the categories because this is entirely up to you. You must be realistic with yourself. If you’re never going to separate your blouses from short sleeve to long sleeve shirts don’t categorize this way unless you can commit. Ask yourself, will this really change the way you look for your tops? Do you always find yourself wishing you could see all your short sleeve tops together instead of digging around for them? Don’t overanalyze creating these categories, think logically about how you are already looking for items then decided how you can make it easier.

Finally, it’s time to put it all away. First, have an idea where everything is going to go. Now that you have everything categorized into piles you can see how much of everything you have. Start with the largest pile first and work from there. Take into consideration for example, if you have fifteen pairs of shorts they may not all fit in one drawer.

Finally, enjoy your clean, organized, de-cluttered space!

Let me know how you liked this post! Next maybe I’ll do a how to maintain your organinzation post? What do you think?

Shop my look:

outfit-summer-beach house-style

gucci-moon river-fringe-hermes clic clac

bridge-outfit-white jeans-style

via spiga slides-ray ban-round sunglasses

kayu-straw bag-everyday bag-style






