
Motivation Monday!

I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand people who always have to be right. I get it, I don’t enjoy being wrong either but come on, you can’t be right all the time. I think it’s our tendency, and human nature, to want to be right. We want to say the right thing, do the right thing, be the right person and know all the answers (unless your a serial killer – kidding, kind of). The reality of that is, you just can’t know everything, you can’t always do the right thing and people will respect your for…

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Motivation Monday!

Today’s inspirational quote to start the week is about always being yourself. In today’s society it’s so easy to conform to norms, to buy what everyone else is buying and do what everyone else is doing. Let’s be real, it’s why everyone who had an upgrade on their phone went out and stood on a line or pre-ordered an iPhone 6. It’s more challenging to be different. Just because you like something and someone else doesn’t, it is not a bad thing. You don’t need everyone to like you and in fact, even if you try your hardest, everyone still won’t…

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Monday Hustle!

Hi all and Happy MONDAY! We’re back at it again! I chose this quote because I think sometimes it’s hard to remember why you’re getting ready for school or work right now. It’s so early, maybe the sun isn’t even up, you’re tired from Sunday Funday (a horrible invention for a bad hangover if you ask me) and you’re thinking, I just want to stay in bed. But what will that accomplish? NOTHING. Get it together, get your head back in the game and ENJOY your Monday! This is where the dream starts, so wake up and have a great…

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