
Why You Should Know Your Vibes

vibes: a person’s emotional state or the atmosphere of a place as communicated to and felt by others.

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Top: Zara, similar | Pants: Old, similar | Shoes: Aquazzura | Bag:Chanel | Sunglasses: Prada

I find myself always being brought back to the fact that people aren’t aware anymore. The more people delve into the world of the internet, social media and electronics, the more we seem to detach from each other. Which is quite the oxymoron because these advances were created to bring us all together. Even more so, people have become extremely unaware of other people’s vibes.

Have you ever become stuck in a conversation you didn’t want to have? This usually happens when someone doesn’t understand your social cues or vibe. A perfect example is when someone brings up politics or religion. So lets say you’re educated on these topics, but maybe you just got back from the gym and you’re feeling really good about yourself and life (good vibes). Then, you run into someone you know and they kill your vibe by pushing a conversation on you because they start babbling at you like they would talk to a troll on twitter. It’s so important to understand that people IRL are not the same as they are on the internet.

It’s socially acceptable to converse back and forth in small blurbs on the internet. People talk about events in real-time and freely share their views with others online. Which is all great and fine, but we seem to forget what a real life connection is about. It’s about listening and taking the time to think before we speak. It’s about enjoying others company and understanding their vibes. If you want good positive vibes in your life you’ve got to slow down.

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