
Galentines Day Gifts and Tchotchke’s for Every Type of BFF

Tchotchke: a small object that is decorative rather than strictly functional; a trinket.

Do you know what I’m talking about now? Ha! Who else had no idea it was spelled like that?! I love receiving thoughtful little trinkets from my friends, so I wanted to share some of my favorites with you. You should never take for granted your girlfriends. The good ones are in your life through it all, so on Valentine’s Day, it’s so nice to give them something that makes them feel special.

Since tchotchkes are technically items that aren’t functional, I wanted to throw in functional items too. Because let’s face it, we all have that BFF who hates clutter and would hate another tchotchke! The best part about this roundup? Everything is under $40!

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