
Motivation Monday!


So if you haven’t guessed or observed, I can be overly dramatic sometimes. Just last week I was ready to have a mental breakdown, while complaining to my mother via text, about working. I have a full time job, a part time job and my blog. And I quote myself “I would rather work six days a week because then I don’t get to remember what it’s like to be happy and enjoy myself.” Now I can say this to myself, shut the F up Simone, YOU’RE NUTS. I’m also laughing as I write this. Sometimes I just can’t even deal with myself. I actually love all my jobs and everything I do. But back to my point, it’s so important to find time for the things that you love. I love my blog and I’m so happy to use my one day off to do it, but I have to relax; we all do.

It’s important to work, be dedicated and reliable. But for you’re psyche, it’s important to enjoy yourself. Yes, you only get to do this on time around, so you should work hard, but you also need to enjoy your life. Stop and smell the roses; having a weekend off will not kill me. Neither will enjoying myself. It’s easier to keep going and going, it’s hard to make time to enjoy your life and put yourself first because then you always have to go back to “reality.” But what am I always telling you? It’s not all easy, so budget time for yourself – and for goodness sake don’t be as dramatic as I am.

This week I challenge you to take a break, especially if you’ve been going non-stop. Refuel, and take time to fill your soul, not just your pocket. Even if it’s just 20 minutes at night that you read a book, just make that time for something you enjoy.


