
Eye-catching Maxi Dresses for Every Occasion this Summer

Eye-catching Maxi Dresses for Every Occasion this Summer-Maxi Dress-Re Styled-Outfit-Fashion-Summer-DVF-Marc Fisher #springoutfit #summeroutfit #pearlbag #dvf #marcfisher #bloggerstyle #westchester #newyorkblogger #newyorkfashion


I’ve got a Summer of events and a closet full of dresses for every occasion. What can I say? When it comes to clothes I like to be prepared! Really I just enjoy shopping. Luckily, I’m an absolute serial re-wearer, especially when it comes to my beautiful DVF dresses. Some are so special and from Diane’s closet or gifts from Diane herself (check out this post if you want to know exactly what my job is at DVF!), and others are so unique and beautiful that I feel like they deserve all the moments they can get.

Today I’ve rounded up my favorite eye-catching maxi dresses for every occasion this Summer. Now I know this look isn’t how you would typically wear a maxi dress, but I wanted to show it styled differently. I love being able to wear these floor length dresses as cardigans too.

Pro tip: Find one that buttons all the way down to get more wear out of it!

I styled it as a dress (paired with white booties, not pictured) at the St. Jude Gala here:

Eye-catching Maxi Dresses for Every Occasion this Summer-Maxi Dress-Re Styled-Outfit-Fashion-Summer-DVF-Marc Fisher #springoutfit #summeroutfit #pearlbarrettes #dvf #chanelbag #bloggerstyle #westchester #newyorkblogger #maxidress #newyorkfashion

If you like seeing an item styled different ways then you should definitely head to this post next: one dress styled three ways! 

Why maxi dresses?

There are three key reasons I live for maxi dresses. 

  1. Temperature. As someone who runs a bit cold, I love having a long dress on, especially in the Summer. It can get so cool out in the evenings, especially if you’re near the water.
  2.  They fend off bugs. Yes seriously. Who doesn’t hate getting mosquito bites all over their legs?
  3. They can also be worn in the Fall and Winter. Easily pair your maxi dress back with a turtleneck under it, sweater over it to make it an item to wear all year long.

Shop the Roundup: Eye-catching Maxi Dresses for Every Occasion this Summer


Think BBQ, by the pool, at the beach

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Dressed Up

Events like brunch, outdoor weddings, Bridal showers

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Weddings & Black Tie

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Out of Office

Who doesn’t love a Summer vacation?

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Shop both of my looks

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Eye-catching Maxi Dresses for Every Occasion this Summer-Maxi Dress-Re Styled-Outfit-Fashion-Summer-DVF-Marc Fisher #springoutfit #summeroutfit #pearlbag #dvf #barrettes #marcfisher #bloggerstyle #westchester #newyorkblogger #newyorkfashion
Eye-catching Maxi Dresses for Every Occasion this Summer-Maxi Dress-Re Styled-Outfit-Fashion-Summer-DVF-Marc Fisher #springoutfit #summeroutfit #pearlbag #dvf #barrettes #marcfisher #bloggerstyle #westchester #newyorkblogger #newyorkfashion

Eye-catching Maxi Dresses for Every Occasion this Summer-Maxi Dress-Re Styled-Outfit-Fashion-Summer-DVF-Marc Fisher #springoutfit #summeroutfit #pearlbag #dvf #marcfisher #bloggerstyle #westchester #newyorkblogger #newyorkfashion


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Eye-catching Maxi Dresses for Every Occasion this Summer-Maxi Dress-Re Styled-Outfit-Fashion-Summer-DVF-Marc Fisher #maxidress #springoutfit #summeroutfit #pearlbag #dvf #barrettes #marcfisher #bloggerstyle #westchester #newyorkblogger #newyorkfashion #summerdress Eye-catching Maxi Dresses for Every Occasion this Summer-Maxi Dress-Re Styled-Outfit-Fashion-Summer-DVF-Marc Fisher #maxidress #springoutfit #summeroutfit #pearlbag #dvf #barrettes #marcfisher #bloggerstyle #westchester #newyorkblogger #newyorkfashion #summerdress

