Emulating a chic, effortless style using a less-is-more approach can feel far from easy in practice. Especially when you already have a closet full of nothing to wear. So taking note of French girl style when it comes to a timeless wardrobe is a smart place to start.
Whether you shop once a month or once a day on Amazon, let’s face it, there’s practically nothing easier. This Amazon holiday gift guide is perfect for the last-minute shopper or anyone looking for the best gifts!
As we look ahead to the holidays, I love nothing more than a Prime Day Deal. Or any sale for that matter. As someone who looks to shop high and low (aka fast and slow fashion, beauty, home, etc.), I've created a round-up of the best of Amazon Prime Day 2022.
In this Salem Massachusetts Halloween travel guide I'll map out the best things to do in Salem Massachusetts along with answering a number of most asked questions. I highly recommend visiting with another Halloween or history lover because Salem Massachusetts has a lot of both to offer!
This almond flour waffles and pancakes recipe quickly became a favorite when I found out I had gestational diabetes. It’s low carb and low sugar yet doesn’t sacrifice taste. I like this recipe so much that I’ll be making these after baby girl arrives as a new lighter alternative!
Whether you're heading back to school or need to revamp your fall work wardrobe, The SoNo Collection Essential Capsule Wardrobe Items for Fall is the perfect guide for the tri-state shopper and beyond!