I’ve always believed that trying is better than doing nothing at all. When it comes to fitness, how I eat and how I impact the environment, it’s all the same. I put in an honest effort to do my best. Did you know the fashion industry has been said to be the highest polluting industry? I thought it was about time I’d share 3 easy fashionable ways to be a more ethical consumer.
While I’ve never considered myself solely a fashion blogger, the bulk of my content often includes fashion and what I’m wearing. I personally want to make a bigger impact on how I positively affect the environment and my fellow humans. While I totally understand quitting fast fashion, plastic water bottles and driving your car all at once is practically impossible, there are things within your control that you can do. You can also look good while doing it!
3 Easy Fashionable Ways To Be A More Ethical Consumer
Purchase clothing from ethical brands.
I love Everlane not only because their clothing is beautiful, but because they’re transparent. Their clothing is made ethically and also sold to the consumer at a fair price. You no longer need to spend hundreds of dollars to wear clothing that wasn’t made in a sweatshop (AKA fast fashion). Sustainability and a total stop in the use of plastic by 2021 are goals of Everlane, launching their The ReNew Outerwear made almost entirely from 100% recycled polyester. In addition to their Tred sneakers produce less waste, use less energy to make, and use 54% less virgin plastic.
Rock that canvass tote!
Now more than ever I find clothing brands and beauty brands giving out canvass totes instead of plastic. I carry my lunch to work in my boss babe tote instead of using a plastic bag, and I’ve also used these trendy canvass knit bags too.
While we’re on the topic of bags, I also love using these mesh produce bags at the grocery store. They’re just as light weight and way more durable than the plastic bags that are out for you to use.
Use a reusable water bottle.
Stopping the use of plastic straws and grocery bags is great, but what are you replacing them with? Paper straws and bags aren’t the answer. As I mentioned above, canvass totes are a great way to use less plastic and paper. They can also be fashionable!
Being an ethical consumer is an amazing fashion statment in its self. So grab yourself a Swell water bottle and water filter for your sink and let’s be smarter consumers together! Not only does this save you money on cases of water, it feels great to use less plastic. And personally, I like the taste of water better out of glass or stainless steel better anyway.
Shop ethically:
What are you doing to leave less of an impact on our envoriment? Share your tips below!