
3 Actions You Can Take To Make This Week Even Better!

3 Actions You Can Take to Make This Week Even Better-Thoughts-Take Control-Inspiration-Motivation-Vibes-Mood-Words to live by #quote #qotd #motivation #inspiration #mindset #simplybysimone

On today’s newsletter, I got real with you guys and shared some recent mistakes I’ve made. (newsletter signup here) I know they weren’t the biggest juiciest mistakes (lucky for me), but they are mine, and I own them. Owning your missteps is the first step in making you your best self.

I can’t share what I’ve done wrong without giving you something positive to add to your day. Hashtag Libra life. 

Which is why I’m sharing 3 actions you can take to make this week even better.

3 Actions You Can Take to Make This Week Even Better

1. Do something to expand your mind. I recently signed up for the Harvard business review management tip of the day newsletter thanks to an Instagram friends suggestion. Learning something new is exciting and helps you grow. You can also train your mind by setting three reminders a day on your phone of what your highest and best self looks like. Mine are kind, grateful and energized.

2. Recommit to your goals. Remember those new years resolutions? Light the fire, decide what you want and put your mind to it. Remember, it’s okay to leave a goal behind if it no longer suits you. This week I’m recommitting to putting my phone down at night, practices make perfect. Set an alert on your phone to tell you when you’ve been using it too much. On an iPhone head to Settings, Screentime, and set Downtime or App Limits.

3. Work it out. Literally. Sign up for your favorite workout class. Working out is a great stress and anxiety release for most. If you’re local, I love Club Sweat in Greenwich and Transform Fitness in Tuckahoe. Then, surround yourself with positive reminders that will help you get to that workout class, framed quotes and letterboards are great reminders! Post-its around your home will work too!

You’ll notice there is a theme of you taking the reins. You are in control of your thoughts and your life. It’s easy to get caught up in social media so I want my space on the internet to be a reminder that we all make mistakes BUT you are the boss babe in control of your life and your thoughts!

If you like these inspirational posts, you should check out this post on the power of community.

Items That Help Me Complete These Actions (all on Amazon!)

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3 Actions You Can Take to Make This Week Even Better-Thoughts-Take Control-Inspiration-Motivation-Vibes-Mood-Words to live by #quote #qotd #motivation #inspiration #mindset #simplybysimone


1 Comment

  1. glambyshey
    June 24, 2019 / 9:33 pm

    Great blog post Simone, these are some real and easy tips anyone can start to apply in their life. I really like the idea of setting reminders on your phone of what your best self looks life. I am also interested in the Harvard Newsletter, I am always trying to learn new things too!