
Motivation Monday – Stress a Privilege and an Asset

Motivation Monday Stress

Motivation Monday Stress A Privilege an Asset Quote January 2019-Tim Grover-Relentless-Inspiration

Motivation Monday we are back in 2019! I’ve received tons of feedback that you all really enjoyed these posts so I didn’t want to hold back any longer. Going forward I’ll be doing two motivation Monday’s per month so they’ll be packed with valuable information and inspiration! Today’s Motivation Monday stress a privilege and an asset, will change the way you look at stress. In addition, I’ll be giving a few tips on how to deal with stress. If you want more tips on how to de-stress, sign up for my newsletter! 

Stress a Privilege and an Asset

One of my favorite workout classes is taught by Kirsty Godso at Project by Equinox in NoLita. She always says that moving your body is a privilege, and I think this applies to stress too. If we look at our challenges differently, it’s easier to appreciate them and conquer them. For every stressful situation we have, there’s something we’re able to learn from it. And each stressful situation is equally all your own. No one else will ever experience it the exact same way as you and no one will handle it exactly the same.

Follwing the above quote, Tim Grover goes on to talk about different types of stress. The chaotic stress you create is not the stress that is going to build your character. That’s the stress you need to get rid of in your life; the bad friends and those pot-stirring coworkers. “Stress a privilege” is the type of stress that comes from a goal you are trying to achieve, or a difficult situation you haven’t brought on yourself. Starting a business? Be thankful for that stress. Mess something up at work or something didn’t go as planned? Appreciate that extra pressure. Look at these as moments that can potentially build your character (if you don’t run from them) and truly appreciate them.

Pressure can bust pipes but it can also make diamonds. 

Tim S. Grover, Relentless. 

Stress is an asset if we choose to deal with it and learn from it. There are so many opportunities to learn from, treat these stressful situations as opportunities and you will grow. Don’t run from them and box yourself in.

Tips to deal with Stress


One of my favorite ways to deal with stress it to make myself feel physically strong. You don’t have to have a gym membership or pay for an expensive workout class either.  In my last newsletter following my New Year’s goals post, I shared how I achieve my goals. One way was investing in things that will help you. You can’t help anyone if your stress level is on 100, so if exercise helps you invest in some items you can use at home. A thick yoga mat and some resistance bands go a long way. I’ve linked my favorite items below.


Another one of my goals for 2019 is to be on my phone less. Removing yourself from a stressful situation and just having some “me-time” may just give you the energy you need to move forward. Shop some of my favorites below!

Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter, additional de-stressing tips will be going out this week!


Shop the post + my favorite items to help de-stress:



Motivation Monday - Stress a Privilege and an Asset-Motivation Monday-Inspiration-Quotes
