
Motivation Monday!


It’s never easy to take a leap of faith. Sometimes you have no choice but to make a decision to leap into something new all together or to choose to stay right where you are. In many situations their is now grey area to hide in. For example do you: take a new job or stay where you currently are, go away to college or stay local, move out or stay home, stay or break up with a loved one, keep certain friends in your life or let them go. To grow, you have to take the leap. It’s not always going to work out in the way you think, but you will always become a better person from the experience. We all have dreams and aspirations and we’ll never accomplish them from our comfort zone (which is kind of unfortunate because I totally enjoy my comfort zone).

This week I’m doing something I’ve never done before, flying alone (and no you can’t even begin to imagine how dramatic I’ve been since booking this trip, the worst part is who’s going to carry my bags?! UGH). But we all have to take these leaps of faith in life to grow. One of my New Years resolutions is traveling more, and this just so happens was how this trip had worked out, I was going to have to go alone.

No one is going to hold your hand forever, so this week I challenge you to man/woman up. Take the leap. You can be everything you want to be, but it takes risk. Be confident in your abilities and your dreams. You will become everything you aspire to be if you take the leap. It’s never too late to become who you want to be.


