
Motivation Monday!


Motivation Monday is a favorite post of mine. Starting my week off right is something that is very important to me, that I hope helps you too. I like trying to set small goals ever Monday and to make sure my outlook is positive for the week ahead. This week I’m talking about the metaphor turning the page.

We all get “stuck” on something or someone in our lives, every so often. Wether it be a bad situation, an issue with a friend or family member, a boyfriend or girlfriend, we all dwell (obviously some more than others). Sometimes, when I do something wrong I work, I beat myself up about it. “You should have paid more attention; you should have done that earlier; you shouldn’t have missed that detail,” and I just keep beating myself up. I always strive for the best in all aspects of my life and sometimes I’m my own worst enemy, we all are. There’s so much more than any moment or person that you may be stuck on. Apologize, take a deep breath and move on.

This week I challenge you to turn the page. End your bad chapters to start good ones, leave all the negativity in the past. You must also leave the good in the past too, to allow for more good adventures. Let’s conquer this week!


