
Birthday Reflections: Advice I’d Give to my 20-Year-Old Self

Birthday Reflections: Advice I'd Give to my 20-Year-Old Self-Westchester County-Blogger-Lulus-Marc Fisher-MCM

If you’re thinking I would write a blog post on my birthday, I didn’t. Right now it’s four days before my birthday and I just don’t know how I let this post get away from me. I definitely don’t feel old, but it’s crazy to be turning twenty-eight. I can remember in elementary school thinking that I would never get to high school. Crazy the things we remember, huh?!

On or right before my birthday, I like reflecting on what I’ve learned the past year. Since I’m t-minus two years away from my 30th birthday extravaganza, I thought it would be fun to share advice I would give to my 20-year-old self.

Birthday Reflections: Advice I’d Give to my 20-Year-Old Self

-DON’T BE AFRAID TO QUIT THAT JOB. My first job out of college was not what jobs are supposed to be like. I wish someone would have told me NO ONE should berate at you in front of half your company. My first thought was to walk out and never go back. My second was maybe this is what corporate America is like and I need to grow a thicker skin. Well, a few years later I knew, in fact, it was not like that.

-TRUST YOUR GUT. Feeding off my prior piece of advice, if I would have trusted my gut that day, I would have walked out of that job then and there. I won’t spare you the details, but knowing what I know now, I was definitely in an unhealthy environment.

-PAYING OFF YOUR STUDENT LOANS IN 5 YEARS ISN’T THAT IMPORTANT. Paying student loans off is important, paying them off as quickly as possible not so much. My first year out of college I was working full-time at one job and part-time at Bloomingdale’s. I swear 80% of what I made went to pay off my student loans. As I think back, since I really wasn’t making that much money I should have saved more and paid off less. I mean that’s why they give you ten years!

-EXPLORE MORE LOCALLY. I’m not someone who lives and dies to travel the world. Honestly, after looking up different destinations on the internet, when I finally get there the location has lost some of its appeal. I’d tell my twenty-year-old self to travel around the US more. It’s way less expensive to take a car somewhere for a long weekend and I do love seeing new places.

-DON’T BE SO HARD ON YOURSELF. Beating yourself up is not the answer. Everyone makes mistakes and you should appreciate the growth that comes from screwing something up.

-MINDSET IS EVERYTHING. A positive mind will give you everything you want. When you’re so hard on yourself trying to get the best grades in college and do the best at your job, life’s such a negative experience. Do your best and keep your attitude in check, positivity will take you great places.

What would you tell your younger self?


Dress linked here.

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Simply by Simone-Long Island-North Fork-Style-Blogger-Marc Fisher-Lulus-Striped Dress

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